E-Cigarettes: Are They a Win or Loss for Public Health?

The first commercial e-cigarettes were produced by the Chinese in the year 2003. Since then, there has been a drastic increase in their use particularly among the younger generation and those who are trying to avoid smoking. It is predicted that the use of e-cigarettes will surpass smoking in the near future. There are two main reasons why people use e-cigarettes: fashion and health benefits. The latter has been controversial since health experts claim that vaping, which is the act of using e-cigarettes, still has many effects on health.

So, is the increasing use of E cigarette a win or loss for public health? This can only be answered by looking at what public health experts and researchers say about vaping. Read on to learn more.

Why They Are a Plus for Public Health

Vaping has been controversial enough that even public health experts are divided. On one side, there are those who claim that it is a big win for the sector since it is helping people to ditch smoking, which has been a major health problem in Europe, America, and many other parts of the world. Together with the manufacturers of e-cigarettes, they have been promoting these devices as a healthier alternative to smoking. Their argument is that e-juice contains fewer toxins than traditional cigarettes and that there is the option of using nicotine-free vape juice.

It is also a big plus that users can vape e-juice infused with healthy ingredients such as herbs, hemp, medical marijuana, and medicine among many others. So, when buying electronic hookah pens, you might need to consider one that you will fill with a healthy e-juice for your benefit.

On the same note, e-cigarettes are expected to offer help with the addiction associated with nicotine in tobacco cigarettes. Although the majority of e-juice contains nicotine, there is always the option of zero-nicotine e-juice. One can also gradually reduce the nicotine level of the e-juice used.

Potential Harm of E-Cigarettes

On the flip side, vaping can deliver adverse health effects to both vapers and those around them. Vaping a high-nicotine e-juice causes almost equal harm as smoking. And it can lead to addiction, which makes matters worse. Probably, you did not know that there are chain-vapers just like there are chain-smokers. The carcinogens that are present in some e-juice vapor can cause illnesses such as cancer and respiratory problems.

Much of the health sector is worried that there is not substantial research to inform the public. Many users, especially newbies, are making uninformed decisions, and this increases the chances of abuse and consequently adverse health effects.

What Needs to Be Done

The public health system should work hard to enlighten people on all the dangers involved in vaping so that they can make wise decisions. To keep any negative health effects at bay, the best thing to do is to only use healthy e-juice or quit both smoking and vaping. And the only time when people can make such a decision is when they are informed.

Depending on how you look at it, you can say that vaping is a win or loss for public health. And the decision to vape or not still lies with you now that you have these insights. 

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